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  • Perfect Corp. launches virtual try-on NFT solutions for fashion and beauty brands

Perfect Corp. launches virtual try-on NFT solutions for fashion and beauty brands

By Don-Alvin Adegeest


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Image: Pexels

Perfect Corp., a fashion tech solutions provider, has launched a virtual try-on NFT collection. The technology allows users to virtually interact with digital assets. The innovation uses augmented reality to create next generations NFTs, setting it apart from the currently available image, video, and audio formats.

The solution enables beauty and fashion brands to deliver a new NFT experience to their customers through their own digital channels, Consumers will be able to try assets across multiple beauty and fashion categories, including makeup looks, watches, jewelry, glasses, nail art, and more.

Perfect Corp. aims to streamline the entire NFT creation process, providing a simple and highly accessible release path for brands who wish to cater to the rising demand for wearable NFTs. By leveraging the most popular and widely used NFT-trading and NFT-wallet platforms, the new solutions enable beauty and fashion brands to meet their customers where they already are.

“As the retail world embraces the Metaverse, AR technology will be essential to create personalized and immersive experiences,” said Perfect Corp. CEO and Founder Alice Chang, “Perfect Corp.’s new NFT business solutions will allow brands to enter the NFT space while enhancing their customer experience with AR virtual try-on technology. Moreover, it will present beauty and fashion brands with new revenue stream opportunities, while providing customers with an interactive and personalized element that has not been possible in the NFT space until now.”

Limited NFT Collection

In addition to the new NFT business solutions, Perfect Corp. has launched its own set of NFTs on OpenSea, which includes makeup looks and accessories.

Perfect Corp