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Primark to further train design team to sharpen circularity

By Caitlyn Terra


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Primark-Store in Sawgrass Mills, Florida (USA) Credits: Primark

Primark has partnered with Circular Textiles Foundation to further educate its supply chain employees in circular design. This way, Primark clothing should already be designed with end-of-life recycling in mind.

Primark says it has set itself the goal of making the majority of clothing in its range easily recyclable by 2027. When design considerations are given to how an item can be recycled, it often makes it easier to actually recycle it in the long run.

Tim Cross, Founder of Circular Textile Foundation said in the press release: “Knowledge sharing is key to tackling the industry’s challenges quickly and at scale, and this is where the Circular Textiles Foundation comes in. We are making design for recyclability mainstream, accessible and available to everyone. We hope that by working with Primark, we can take a step closer to driving industry-wide change. We look forward to Primark partnering with us on this journey and the opportunities to move forward.”

The new training that Primark is setting up with the help of Circular Textiles Foundation will be given to Primark's design teams, but also to some employees of Primark's suppliers. It is not the first training that Primark's design teams receive. Earlier, a Circular Design Training was set up for around 500 employees in collaboration with Circle Economy stated in a press release.

This article was originally published on FashionUnited.NL, translated and edited to English.

Sustainable Fashion