FCG WEBINARS by Fashion Council Germany March / April / May / June
The Fashion Council Germany e. V. offers currently exciting, free FCG Webinars on relevant topics in the fashion industry. The focus is on new developments and recommendations for production, marketing, photography, digitalisation, creative storytelling, fashion tech and sustainability. The speakers will mostly speak in English, some contributions are in German (marked with EN and DE).
Please find the current dates for March, April, May and June below. To join the FCG Webinars you need to register to the relevant event to receive a zoom link for the specific date.
The FCG is also calling for participation, either as a listener in the subsequent discussion or as a speaker. You are welcome to make enquiries directly via e-mail.
We hope you enjoy taking part!
Dates from End of March until June
29 March 2021 | 2pm
Reading emotions reloaded - the power of emotions in a digital world (EN)
Speaker: Theo Grassl (University Lecturer & Communications and Marketing Professional)
Emotions are still one of the most important factors to inspire, motivate and win people over. Doesn’t matter if in video calls, stories in social media or a quick FaceTime phone call in between. When does it make more sense to take a closer look at the facial expressions of our counterparts than in a time when we are more digital than ever and have to rely only on facial expressions instead of a complete real-live experience. We are looking forward to an exciting journey into the world of emotions with Theo Grassl.
13 April 2021 | 2pm
The power of good photography in the fashion world (EN)
Speaker: Axl Jansen (Photographer ) and Charlotte Gindreau (Stylist)
In the webinar we will discuss how to get directions and find ideas for a fashion shooting. Axl Jansen and Charlotte Gindreau will explain with some example shots how they got to the picture, and the story behind, about their general purpose. They will further look at the history and future of fashion photography. Also, they plan a discussion about the mood board, the team, the message of the shooting, how a stylist can influence the entire scene and about the difference between the French and the German market.
20. April 2021 | 2pm
Digitizing collections: Tools & tips to amplify your brand impact (EN)
Speaker: Gina Gulberti (VP Marketing Launchmetrics)
At a time when digital is key to reach the modern consumer, producing inspirational, creative brand assets and experiences has become more critical. However, even more important is leveraging these assets after the launch of collections or product campaigns to create amplification. Discover with Launchmetrics how to increase the longevity and impact of your collections for next season.
27.04.2021 | 2pm
(DE) Status deutscher Mode – Vorstellung der Studie * access for members only
Speaker: Scott Lipinski (CEO Fashion Council Germany)
Zusammen mit Oxford Economics hat der Fashion Council Germany Anfang des Jahres die aussagekräftige Studie Status Deutscher Mode 2021 veröffentlicht, die zum Nachdenken und Handeln auffordert. Die Studie bewertet den Beitrag der Modeindustrie zur deutschen Wirtschaft, ermittelt die Stärken und Schwächen der Branche und hebt wichtige Trends und Chancen hervor – gepaart mit den nötigen Fördermaßnahmen. Sie liefert auf Basis von quantitativen Daten (Umsatz, Verbraucher, Arbeitsmarkt, Branchen- und Ländervergleich usw.) und qualitativen Daten (Interviews mit ExpertInnen aus versch iedenen Bereichen der Mode-Wertschöpfungskette) wichtige Erkenntnisse für die Entwicklung der deutschen Fashion-Branche.
In diesem Webinar – exklusiv für unsere FCG Mitglieder – wird Scott Lipinski, CEO des Fashion Council Germany e. V., die Studie vorstellen und die wichtigsten Aussagen erklären. Weiterhin wird er daraus resultierende Fragen beantworten und dabei unterstützen, die gewonnenen Ergebnisse optimal zu nutzen.
4 May 2021 | 2pm
(DE) Macht der Marke. Macht das Produkt die Marke? Oder die Marke das Produkt?
Speaker: Sabine Spieler (Trendexpertin & Journalistin) & Corinna Umbach (Marketing Expertin)
Zusammen mit der Marketingexpertin und Gründerin von CU Brand & Retail Spirit, Corinna Umbach, hat Sabine Spieler ein Workshop-Format entwickelt welches sich mit der zentralen Frage beschäftigt, ob das Produkt die Marke oder die Marke das Produkt ausmacht. Ein Thema, dass in der aktuellen Zeit relevanter denn je ist. Um Klärungsansätze zu entwickeln und der Erkenntnis näher zu kommen, muss man seine Zielgruppe sehr genau kennen. Welche Trends sind glaubwürdig adaptierbar? Bis zu welchem Punkt kann man eine Marke verändern, um sie zu modernisieren und dabei trotzdem authentisch zu entwickeln? Und welche Geschichten und das Storytelling dahinter unterstützen diese Positionierung?
12 May 2021 | 2pm
A guide for working with fashion agents, distributors and retail partners in your domestic and new markets (EN)
Speaker: Stephen Laundy (Founder Fashion Compass)
Stephen Laundy will explain how designers and brands can work with agents domestically, when to start and – as they grow – to expand into new markets with agents and distributors selling on and offline. He will also talk about the growing online wholesale portals like Joor Access, Brandboom etc. Stephen works globally and will discuss with you markets and which you should choose for your product.
11 June 2021 | 2pm
(DE) Markenkommunikation – Social Media vs. klassischer Onlinejournalismus?
Speaker: Lisa Trautmann, Kiki Albrecht (Fashion Journalists & Marketing Experts)
Gemeinsam mit Kiki Albrecht spricht Lisa Trautmann über die bestehende Relevanz von Onlinejournalismus für eine erfolgreiche Markenkommunikation. Wir konsumieren in Feeds und relevant scheint nur, wer die Klaviatur der neuen sozialen Medien perfekt bedient und einen Buzz erzeugt. Doch haben die (inzwischen) klassischen Onlinemedien wirklich an Relevanz verloren? Kann Social Media Geschichten mit Tiefgang erzählen, oder geht es nicht vielmehr um den perfekten Kommunikations-Mix? Diesen Fragen gehen Lisa Trautmann und Kiki Albrecht auf Basis ihrer Expertisen auf den Grund.
15 June 2021 | 2pm
How political should the fashion industry be? (EN)
Speaker: Tutia Schaad (Head of Creative Arts Faculty and Fashion Innovation, Professor Fashion Design)
Dress is a form of communication, it not only reveals something about the wearer but also about the person designing it. With growing political activism among the young generation and the emergence of global movements like BLM, Fridays for Future or Feminism the question about the responsibility of the fashion industry in supporting these movements. How can the fashion industry take an active role in political transformation thereby contributing to change?
29 June 2021 | 2pm
3D Fashion Design – Essentials of the digital product chain (EN)
Speaker: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Simone Morlock (Hohenstein Academy, Head of Digital Fitting Lab)
3D clothing simulation technologies can facilitate significantly shorter design and product development times with decreased prototypes and fewer resources. The advantages are undeniable. Often, though users are confronted with a variety of challenges that are underestimated. One of these challenges is the need of combining expertise in fit and pattern with 3D and 4D technologies. This webinar highlights the various aspects of the 3D value chain and shows which potential and risks exist.
Are you interested in being part of this exchange and expanding the Fashion Council Germany network? Or would you like to know which webinars the Fashion Council is offering in the coming months? Register via the Fashion Council Germany website.